Riding The Gravy Train: December 2013

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Makism 3D Corp. (MDDD), Gold (GLD)

Recently we purchased MDDD

As can be seen in this chart, there was a sudden explosion in trading volume yesterday:

In early November, it took 1/10 the volume to rally the share price to a peak of $6 as it took Monday to rally the share price to $1.10 

While normally an increase in interest for such an obscure stock would be bullish, especially for those of us already holding it, this burst of volume might not prove to be a good thing.

This volume is a result of heavy paid promotion, and massive selling by those already holding shares - presumably insiders or related parties given how few shares have been bought in the open market thus far during the stock's brief existence.  They've every right to sell, however it's a shame these persons are not allowing the price to rise first.  That'd be the norm when this type of promotion is undertaken. 

Hopefully they're not dumping due to negative corporate events, as yet not publicly or widely known.  What we do know is that this kind of selling often marks a high, thus we suggest being particularly vigilant and not overexposed to this issue. 

Don't be overexposed to any equities given, as we argued yesterday, a market top seems imminent.

Readers of this blog should not be surprised by the most recent plunge in gold. 

UBS, among a great many others, is late to the realization that gold is not going much higher, if any higher, any time soon. 

UBS cuts 2014 forecast for gold and silver

Expect analyst expectations to continue lower for a long time to come, along with the price of gold. 

We recommended selling and shorting at the top, while the vast majority of analysts will not recommend selling until the bottom.  Recall the widespread analyst downgrades to "sell" near the end of the 2007-2009 bear market.

Gold and silver are both currently challenging 52-week and 7-year lows.  With that in mind, we suggest our posting dated Monday April 22, titled "Clutching At Straws, Still Drowning", is a valuable re-read, and a must for anyone long gold or surprised that it continues to drop. 


We receive no remuneration or incentive directly or indirectly in any way, shape, or form for buying or selling the positions we do, or for mentioning any positions or publicly traded companies in this blog. If we hold existing positions we divulge the fact. This blog is merely a diary of some of our thoughts and trades and is in no way whatsoever to be considered investment advice of any kind. Always without fail consult a competent, experienced, and honest broker or investment advisor before making any investment or speculative decisions.

Please presume that we, she, he, I, it, them, they, us and you are purely fictional characters and that everything written in this blog is satire intended for comedic amusement only, and not to be taken seriously in any way. Just like "real" analyst proclamations. Thank you.

To be notified when this blog is updated : Please e-mail christianguinness@hotmail.com with "Subscribe to blog" in the subject line or click here to do so automatically if your computer is configured accordingly. We have never shared our mailing list with anyone, nor will we. Please note that we only send update notifications when a trade idea is diarized or updated materially, not if a blog entry only contains general commentary.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Voxeljet (VJET), Vapor Corp. (VPCO), Gold Suffers Worst November in 35 Years, Competition for Tesla (TSLA), Dire Indicators and Charts

Our last update provides background for the following commentary on VJET and VPCO.

Voxeljet rose as much as 112% within the month after we suggested it, and is now up "only" 25% after a massive drop from its highs when all stocks in this overbought sector sold off materially.

We last stated our stop was at $44.  When it rocketed up to $70 we were able to sell half our holdings at $62 and the rest was stopped out at $44, netting us quick and massive gains which we were happy to book and take off the table given how frothy markets are currently.  More on that below.

We still like the 3-D Printing sector going forward, and maintain related holdings that have not been diarized in this blog, however we're happy to be taking money out of the markets as stops are hit on any long holdings in order to mitigate damage when the inevitable plunge comes.

VPCO is up 74% in the two weeks since we announced buying it, and we'll raise our stop to any close below $1.00  

Most holding it should consider selling half. 


Gold Suffers Worst November In 35 Years

Tesla Gets Deep-pocketed Competition In The Luxury Electric Car Market

Dire Indicators:

Margin Debt Highest Since October 2007 Peak

Dire Charts:

History repeats.

We remain neutral in the near term and bearish in the longer term. 


We receive no remuneration or incentive directly or indirectly in any way, shape, or form for buying or selling the positions we do, or for mentioning any positions or publicly traded companies in this blog. If we hold existing positions we divulge the fact. This blog is merely a diary of some of our thoughts and trades and is in no way whatsoever to be considered investment advice of any kind. Always without fail consult a competent, experienced, and honest broker or investment advisor before making any investment or speculative decisions.

Please presume that we, she, he, I, it, them, they, us and you are purely fictional characters and that everything written in this blog is satire intended for comedic amusement only, and not to be taken seriously in any way. Just like "real" analyst proclamations. Thank you.

To be notified when this blog is updated : Please e-mail christianguinness@hotmail.com with "Subscribe to blog" in the subject line or click here to do so automatically if your computer is configured accordingly. We have never shared our mailing list with anyone, nor will we. Please note that we only send update notifications when a trade idea is diarized or updated materially, not if a blog entry only contains general commentary.