Riding The Gravy Train: Voxeljet (VJET), Buying Makism 3D Corp. (MDDD) and Vapor Corp. (VPCO), Global Gold Demand Down 21 Percent In Past Year

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Voxeljet (VJET), Buying Makism 3D Corp. (MDDD) and Vapor Corp. (VPCO), Global Gold Demand Down 21 Percent In Past Year

We announced purchasing Voxeljet (VJET) less than a month ago, writing:

"Those bullish on the 3-D printing sector will find this company especially compelling, perhaps even a value.  Volatility is a given, and while upside is tremendous initial public offerings are best participated in cautiously and by those with experience in such issues.  It could as easily be at $50 as $15 in a couple of months, perhaps a couple of weeks."

At the time it was $29.  Three weeks later it hit $50. 

Earlier this month we described our stop strategy for this holding.  Since it has gone so high so quickly, we're switching strategy and simply now raising our stop to $44.90

Yesterday VJET announced its quarterly results.  

Makism 3D Corp (MDDD), a little-known 3D printing stock, began to trade recently and we're going to open a position. 

It last closed at $1.20  We'll sell on any closes below $1.00 

Vapor Corp. (VPCO) describes itself as "a leading supplier of electronic cigarettes with a diverse product portfolio that includes the most recognized brands by both retailers and consumers in the industry. Vapor Corp. is also the only fully reporting, publicly traded electronic cigarette company in the United States."

We're also buying VPCO, as it appears that its downtrend is broken:

VPCO last closed at $0.96 and our initial stop will be to sell on any close below $0.80

News:  Global demand for physical gold totaled 868.5 metric tons during the third quarter, according to the World Gold Council, a 21% drop from the third quarter of 2012.

Here's a look at the NASDAQ:


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