Riding The Gravy Train: Sold 2/3 TNA, 1/3 USLV, 1/2 NUGT

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Sold 2/3 TNA, 1/3 USLV, 1/2 NUGT

Per our stated plan to sell TNA on a significant market rally, we've closed 2 of our 3 positions at $48.05 for a gain of 14% and 11% respectively in less than 3 weeks.

Our remaining TNA holding is at roughly break-even.  We'll sell that too if stocks move considerably higher.

Per Friday's post, 1 of our 3 USLV positions and 1 of our 2 NUGT positions was sold at the open for a gain of 25% in 7 weeks on USLV and 28% in 4 1/2 months on NUGT.

The limit order on JNUG has not yet been hit, so we'll leave that open.