Riding The Gravy Train: Gold & Silver ... Try, Try Again

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Gold & Silver ... Try, Try Again

Our worst trading in years, maybe in the long history of this blog, has arguably been this year in gold and silver-related positions.

Should've used stops.

We've made killings repeatedly in that sector, including turning bearish at the 2011 top and becoming bullish again at the low in late-2015, and we've every confidence that our process remains reliable.

However when inputs move to multi-year, then multi-decade extremes, we're obviously not going to hit the bull's-eye with respect to timing.

For context:

May 22: Buying USLV

June 26: Buying JNUG

August 02: Adding JUNG and USLV

August 13: Adding JNUG, Buying NUGT

August 16: Buying JNUG and NUGT Yet Again

Here's a long-term gold chart:

What now?  We're buying more of course, hoping persistence pays.

Simply we should wish to be quite long when GLD, the gold etf,  trades above $118 and somewhat bearish below $113. 

While chart-wise we remain in limbo, the U.S. dollar seems poised to fall and bearish sentiment on precious metals remains near a record extreme.  At the same time a bullish non-confirmation exists as silver made a new low recently while gold did not.

We'll add a 3rd position in USLV if it trades to $62.15 or above.