Riding The Gravy Train: Bard Ventures (CBS) Stop Hit, Kintavar Exploration (KTR) Revisited

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Bard Ventures (CBS) Stop Hit, Kintavar Exploration (KTR) Revisited

Our stop on CBS (Bard Ventures) has been hit for a gain of 550% (420% since featured).

Here's its chart for those who may wish to hold on awhile, keeping the imminent lockup expiry and established upside resistance in mind.

We may revisit this stock awhile after lockup expiry if the chart looks right.

As for revisiting past glories, we entered Kintavar Exploration Inc. (KTR in Canada) the day before Bard late last year and a month later already enjoyed huge gains on the stock.

Within a few more weeks we were stopped out for an average gain of over 200%.

Since then the stock has dropped over 80% and the chart suggests it's a good time to speculate on it again.  If so, we wouldn't be holding if it falls below $0.10  

Perhaps also relevant is that Kintavar had a lockup expiry at the end of April (link opens a .pdf) and has another that expired at end of October (link opens a .pdf).