TZA, VXX, Good News and Bad
Today TZA broke above a 3-month down trend and the buy stop for our most recent position:
We're going to lower the stated buy stop slightly for VXX, to $28.25
MarketWatch: California becomes first state to require female board members
We hope it'll also be the last state to do so.
Plenty of women already run major companies, not just sit on the boards. They earned their way there. They didn't get there via government mandate, or perhaps worse.
Now any woman executive's qualification and ascension in California will be suspect.
This type of government diktat is of no help to women, to business, or to society.
CBS News: The Theranos Deception
"Elizabeth Holmes was just 19 years old when she dropped out of Stanford University with a dream of creating a company that would revolutionize blood testing. As we first reported last May, Holmes founded the start-up Theranos and boasted her technology could take a pin-prick worth of blood from the finger and perform hundreds of laboratory tests. It was, she claimed, "the most important thing humanity has ever built.
At its zenith, Theranos was worth nearly $10 billion and Elizabeth Holmes became the youngest, self-made, female billionaire in the world. Today, she and her company's one-time president stand criminally charged by the U.S. government of perpetrating a "multi-million dollar scheme" to defraud investors, doctors and patients. "
Much of what is said in the CBS News report, especially about the board's total abdication of duty, we believe will also be said of Tesla.
Business Insider: "Tesla's board is so bad at its job..."
Back to the previous topic, here's a partial list of deserving, non-fraudulent, female CEO's:
- Mary T. Barra, General Motors Co. (GM)
Michele Buck, The Hershey Company
Safra A. Catz, Oracle Corp. (co-CEO)
- Adena Friedman, Nasdaq
- Michelle Gass, Kohl's
- Lynn J. Good, Duke Energy Corp.
Marillyn A. Hewson, Lockheed Martin Corp.
- Vicki Hollub, Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Beth E. Mooney, KeyCorp
Indra K. Nooyi, PepsiCo, Inc.
Phebe N. Novakovic, General Dynamics Corp.
Virginia M. Rometty, International Business Machines (IBM) Corp.
Lisa Su, Advanced Micro Devices
Geisha Williams, PG&E Corp.
Kathy Warden will become CEO of Northrop Grumman Corporation effective January 1, 2019.
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