Riding The Gravy Train: Sold 1/3 VXX As Planned, Repurchase Update

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Sold 1/3 VXX As Planned, Repurchase Update

1 of our 3 VXX positions was sold today for a 20% gain, as planned earlier this week.

This leaves us with 2 positions in VXX, 2 in TZA and 1 in QID.

Here's an updated list of our planned repurchases:

QID (2nd position) at $37.90 - sold earlier this month for a 13% gain in two days. 

VXX (3rd position) at $33.50 - sold today for a 20% gain in 4 months.  We also scored a gain of 100% on this 3rd VXX position in one month earlier this year. 

VXX (4th position) at $31.00 - ealier this month for a gain of 22% in a month.

VXX (5th position) at $29.50 - sold earlier this month for a gain of 17% in two weeks.

TZA (5th position) at $9.75 - sold earlier this month for a gain of 22% in a month.

TZA (4th position) at $9.40 - sold earlier this month for a gain of 47% in in two months

We expect markets to bounce now for 1-3 weeks before
the next major leg down.

Should markets continue lower on Monday however, we may sell one of our TZA positions.

If markets are down materially at the open we may also sell another VXX or QID position.

We've no specific price limits in mind this time.  It'll depend on the market action.

We'll do our best to post timely updates although buying and selling is always and absolutely at the sole discretion of the individual.