Riding The Gravy Train: Tesla; "It's a s--t show"

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Tesla; "It's a s--t show"

We have a front-runner for most apropos headline of the year, courtesy of the New York Times: Tesla insiders say ‘it’s a s–t show’

"“Elon talks about being a socialist and doing good for mankind — unless you work for them,” says one source. “It’s a s–t show.”"

In other Tesla news, the company issued a press release Friday at nearly midnight announcing that it will remain a public company.

Since the idea of going private was fantasy at best, and arguably transparently fraudulent, this isn't really news to anyone with any sense, however it's telling that the company made this determination on Thursday yet waited until late-night Friday to release it to the public.

One hopes that the SEC is closely examining insider and related-party trading as part of its investigation(s).
In more uplifting and related news, here's what a real genius, real inventor and real billionaire is up to, courtesy of GQ UK: Inside James Dyson's all-or-nothing quest for an electric car

"For decades, James Dyson made his billions reinventing housework. Now 71, he’s targeting a new legacy - one that’s pitting him against Silicon Valley’s most enigmatic futurist, Elon Musk. But is Britain’s vacuum visionary risking his fortune? And just how far will he go to clean up in the cash-haemorrhaging world of electric cars?"

Perhaps Dyson, if not sane stock valuation, the SEC, the bond market, mounting massive lawsuits, egregious safety violations, insider whistle-blowers, an unhinged egomaniacal CEO, rampant manufacturing defects, or a toxic corporate culture, will sweep the garbage called Tesla off the market map.

We are short Tesla.

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