Riding The Gravy Train: DJIA Quarterly Momentum Chart Update, VXX, Buying SDOW

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

DJIA Quarterly Momentum Chart Update, VXX, Buying SDOW

We posted a chart showing the quarterly momentum of the DJIA at the end of April

Today we post an update of that chart.  It looks not much different, however the trend remains obvious and in progress while the implications are self-evident.

Simply, we believe it's not different this time. 

Accordingly, we still hold VXX as a general market hedge and short.  Here's an updated chart:

Those who are not sufficiently hedged, or who desire a reasonable general market short speculation, might consider SDOW (ProShares Ultrapro Short DOW30) which last closed at $15.50 

We'd suggest a stop below $14.50 which is slightly beneath the year's low ($14.58 on April 20) and the recent low ($14.61 on June 08).


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