Riding The Gravy Train: Terra Tech Corp. (TRTC)

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Terra Tech Corp. (TRTC)

Terra Tech Corp. is, in part, a play on the growing trend in Marijuana legalization.  Read more here.

Simple concept, simple chart:

The run from November to February was based on the legalization votes in Washington and Colorado, and the subsequent downtrend now appears to be broken.

To us a reasonable speculation seems to be to buy over $0.10 and hold over $0.05, which is roughly the year's lows.  Better for these types of issues priced so cheaply is to forgo a stop level and instead consider it as you would an options contract, with risk of 100% loss, the difference here being that there's no contract expiry.

We hold existing shares at an average cost of $0.09  which has not been diarized in this blog. 

News:  Weak U.S. durable goods data dims growth outlook

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