Sirona Biochem (SBM)
Sirona Biochem, trading in Canada under ticker SBM, is worth a look for technical reasons illustrated in the charts below.
First the long-term view, in which we see a 2-year downtrend apparently broken (green line) and the current price challenging a level it has not closed above since September 2011 ($0.15) :
Here's a closer look:
Along with the technical picture, some will find this news compelling: Sirona Biochem Signs LOI with China’s #1 Ranked Anti-Diabetic Company, Wanbang Pharma
To us it seems a good speculation, holding above $0.09 for the time being. We'd be especially bullish on closes above $0.15
We hold shares at a cost of $0.11, a position not previously diarized in this blog.
Turning to the overall market, almost two weeks ago, with the DJIA at 15423, we wrote: "Our immediate outlook is bearish [...] On a big plunge there'd be support around 14900."
Wednesday the DJIA closed at 14896, and Thursday there was a weak bounce to 14963. There "should" be a bigger bounce, but if not then the market could easily drop another 200-400 points before catching a solid bid.
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