Riding The Gravy Train: Best Buy (BBY) Chart Study, Many Losing Faith In Gold

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Best Buy (BBY) Chart Study, Many Losing Faith In Gold

Today we offer two views, long and short-term, of BBY. 

A drop of 1/3 or more, to at least $20, is likely.  If shorting, then covering above the 7-year downtrend would be prudent to limit risk.

We last wrote about BBY here, in a post which may offer other worthwhile ideas for those interested in short selling. 

Interesting Articles:

The Real Cost of Owning Gold

From Vancouver to Ghana, people are losing faith in gold

We've insisted for a few years, counter to popular myth, that the Average Joe had already gone "all in" on gold.  Quotes from the article above:

"'We’re holding trash bags,' said Philip Mann, 53, who with his wife put about US$160,000, half their retirement savings, into gold and silver coins starting in 2009. They’re now worth at least 40% less, including sales mark-ups, he said. The drop forced him to cash out a 401(k) retirement plan..."

"Some 2,273 U.S.-based mutual funds have an exposure to gold bullion, mining or exploration, according to the Chicago research firm. Amid the frenzy, gold advocates made dramatic predictions that the precious metal would be the only way to protect wealth. The boom rippled out to as many as 60 million people around the world ..."

Note the galling hubris at the top among so-called experts, always a sign of imminent failure: "John Paulson, the New York hedge fund manager noted for making US$15-billion with a bet against the U.S. housing market in 2007, told investors in February 2012 that gold would be his next triumph. His gold fund lost 59% through July this year..."

Hedge funds lose faith in gold

Keep in mind our chart showing the progression of the psychology of gold & silver investors through the Seven Stages Of Grief, which is clearly reflected in the above articles.   It has proven accurate and predictive since we introduced it almost two years ago:

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