Russell2000 Small-Caps Breakdown, Copper, Silver (ZSL), Yen (YCL), Europe (EPV), OTS (Canadian Oilfield Solutions), Consumer Debt Supernova and the Coming End of QE?
As discussed recently here and here. Check:
One more down, many more predicted breakdowns to come.
Recent predicted breakdowns that have come to pass include copper and silver. We'll offer chart updates on those soon. In the meantime, there may be bounces but they'll only be bounces on the way to much lower prices.
On the bright side, OTS continues to look bullish. Here's an updated chart:
Our posts on the Japanese yen and shorting Europe continue to look good too, and our general market short should soon be very profitable.
If there's a theme here, it's the one that runs throughout the history of this blog. We notice trends beginning or ending and try to take advantage. It's when we look the most "wrong" or against-the-grain that we usually end up scoring the biggest gains, and lately we've been making a lot of very against-the-grain observations and calls.
Going back awhile, one such call was our assertion that the U.S. Federal Reserve's "Quantitative Easing" program would end sooner than later. Many continue to believe it'll go on forever, and that they can't even consider putting an end to it. Today the San Francisco Fed President lends credence to our view.
Throwing something new into the mix today, here's a great chart:
It was compiled from this government source of data. We wonder how much will be paid down, especially so many student loans for worthless diplomas, and what the end results will be.
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