Adding ZSL, lowering BBY stop, shorting AAPL
In August, per this blog, we effectively shorted silver via purchase of ZSL circa $13.44 Six weeks later we announced selling half that position for a gain of 62% on the half sold. Friday morning we'll repurchase that half.
ZSL last traded at $10.11 On any close below $9.70 we'll once again sell half this position for the loss should it occur, roughly 4% risk on the half-position.
We've received e-mails asking about our gold positioning. At the start of the year we'd written we were short gold (not a diarized position in this blog). Not long after we were forced to go long by our trading discipline, netting approximately 7% on that short (entered in early December, also not diarized here). We're currently up circa 10% on the long and will close it out, so as far as precious metals goes we'll just be short silver.
We're lowering our stop on the Best Buy short (see posting of January 27 below) to any closing price over $16.30 thereby reducing our risk.
We'll put out a short on Apple Inc. (AAPL) at $505.00 should it get that high. See the chart in the posting immediately below. If so, we'll cover on any close above $540 to try to limit risk to approximately 7%
Insider selling is currently at a level worth noting. Click here to read the article.
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Please presume that we, she, he, I, it, them, they, us and you are purely fictional characters and that everything written in this blog is satire intended for comedic amusement only and not to be taken seriously in any way. Just like "real" analyst proclamations. Thank you.
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