selling EMX +76 % and CGP +457 % on 2nd half
Our absence has been partly due to our lack of interest in the current market rally (we'll prefer to short it when it's over, which we believe will be soon), and partly due to spending time developing a remarkable gold price indicator which we've been using to profit on swings up and down in gold over the past while. More on that in an upcoming update.
As is the case with equities, gold is currently grossly overbought, overhyped, and overbelieved. Consequently, action has been light and movements erratic in the venture "penny stock" markets since mid-December, roughly when gold topped out on the most recently rally move. This could be a top of significant duration with a material correction underway.
We view it as an ideal time to clear out some old positions.
We bought EMX, Eurasian Minerals, per this blog in late January of 2008. Now it's 3 years later and the stock is 76% higher. We'll sell out of our holdings to book that gain.
We bought CGP, Cornerstone Capital Resources, per this blog in late October 2009. We sold the first half a couple of weeks later for a gain of 52% on that portion of our holdings. The stock dropped after that sale and did nothing much until a year later, and finally over the past two months it has rallied massively. This sale makes for a gain of 457% on our remaining shares.
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