Riding The Gravy Train: Surprised ?

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Surprised ?

"A surprise drop in new home sales sends market lower."

Click the link above to read the article, which also includes this (non) surprise :

"GMAC Financial Services is looking for a third bailout from the Treasury Department, according to a Wall Street Journal report. The lender is seeking between $2.8 billion and $5.6 billion, according to the Journal."

We are not at all surprised and we hope readers of this blog are not surprised either.

Nor will we be surprised when the national debt "ceiling" is again raised dramatically. We've lost count how many times this has happpened, by trillions, in recent years. It will soon be raised by trillions more again.

Why is it called a "ceiling"? What kind of "ceiling" is constantly raised? Is there truly no limit on this scam? We believe there is, because all Ponzis fall apart eventually, and Madoff is just a small-time piker compared to government.

Conspiracists may consider that Madoff was finally brought down as part of an effort to desensitizing people to massive cons, so they are not surprised to discover that what they thought they were due as pension and Social Security monies has instead vanished in an orgy of colossal fraud, waste, and greed. We are not among the conspiracists because we do not believe those in government are smart enough to think of it.

We will write more tomorrow on disappearing pensions as the possible catalyst for a market crash and major U.S. Dollar rally.

For now, click this link to marvel at an utterly disingenuous letter from U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner to Congress on the topic of the debt ceiling.

This man understands completely, so we'll let him speak for us on this issue :

For those unaware, this is the broken window fallacy to which Mr. Schiff refers.

We will not be surprised if home "credits" are extended. Another misnomer, as using the term "credit" almost makes it sound benign. Let's call it what it is - theft. It is theft from those who pay their bills and taxes and only buy what can be afforded.

Everyone is supposedly equal before the law, but only some get the housing credits, bailouts, and cash for clunkers, while the rest get again robbed by government to pay for it all and suffer artificially inflated pricing due to this brought-forward and subsidized demand on houses, autos, equities, etc.

Clunkers: Taxpayers paid $24,000 per car. Auto sales analysts at Edmunds.com say the pricey program resulted in relatively few additional car sales.

Whether it be those in office, those who re-elect them, or those who go about their days in a deliberate ignorance of the Truth, some sheeple never learn.

How long before we wake from our stupor and demand, if not force, a stop to this?

For how much longer will it be the Land of the Fleeced?

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