Riding The Gravy Train: shorting MANT

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

shorting MANT

In our modest "Links" section at right we now add the "Market Ticker" site of "Tickerguy" Karl Denninger. Please enjoy his highly enlightened & enlightening writing and weekly broadcast.

We've been readers of the site for a month now and as near as we can tell he's correct about everything. A wonderful, free resource, on par with Mish Shedlock's site (also linked at right). We cannot heap higher praise than that.

Again we find a stock that is exhibiting remarkable relative weakness and endeavor to short it.

MANT, ManTech International Corporation last traded at $40.81 The stock is down considerably since March 9.

It's possible the current bear market rally is only halfway over, and will resume after the correction which seems to have begun today. If so, conservative players may cover shorts should the DJIA close over 8200.

In the case of ManTech, we'd likely not cover unless the stock is closing over $50.

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