How low ?
"The fate of empires is very often sealed by the interaction of war and debt. America is no different."
On September 29 we wrote : "The spectre of government intervention looms large despite today's brave and correct defeating of Paulson's shameless proposal. Is this a turn in government sentiment towards proper management of the markets & economy? We doubt it ..."
To what depths can our "leaders" sink? Seldom in the passage of time has there been such a profundity of idiocy and irresponsbility so prominently and prevalently on public display as this past week.
"Insurers knocked by Sen. Reid comment"
And the general populace must share the shame.
How many people believed, or even considered, that the economy was on the very brink of total collapse before our "leaders" started proclaiming it in pathetic displays of panic?
How many are selling their equities due to the fear spread by our "leaders", most of whom are completely unqualified to even discuss the economy and markets much less make proclamations of impending doom?
The same "leaders" who only days and weeks before were stating there was no problem at all.
On September 15, we wrote that "today President Bush announced that the markets are fine, a clear indicator that things are much worse than they seem."
The same "leaders" who recently encouraged people to borrow & spend.
If these "leaders" truly felt they need to "do something" we'd all be better off if they would choose to shut their mouths and get out of the way. Instead those in power create the problems, then in great displays of grandstanding enact self-serving utterly and obviously flawed "fixes" in the hopes of looking good for re-election while fattening the pockets of their cronies and masters.
More sad is that so many sheeple believe it wholly that this is being done for their own good. Land of the fleeced, where all that remains to be taken from the voters is the wool before their eyes.
History teaches us that the wicked and the dumb need scapegoats and thus sheeple come to believe that shorts are somehow at fault for all of this, yet the markets continue to collapse despite the shorting ban. If there had been shorts covering, the damage in the markets today and on Monday would not have been so extensive.
But pigs are pigs, and they do piggish things, thus the shorting ban was today extended which further prohibits sorely-needed liquidity from entering the market. Instead it goes into put options while the retirement dreams of millions have trouble finding a bid.
The fact is that shorts provide extensive research and put their own money where their informed sentiments are, yet they are villified as crooked rumor mongers. By contrast our "leaders" spout off with no clue or qualification whatsoever and put the money of innocent taxpayers into a black hole, all the while spreading the very confusion and fear which causes the selling in the markets, and they are cheered as good men of action.
It is as pathetic as the beatific visages of the dumb as they rush to dive into these massive gaps in logic, as would a man dying of thirst dive into a desert oasis.
How low can we go? Much lower, and so we shall go.
September 2007 - "We respectfully suggest investors do not put too much on the line based merely on hopes of eternal share price increases and hype. Check the stock listings from 10 years ago and notice that many - most in fact, if small caps - of those companies are now long gone along with the funds of those who held the shares too long."
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