buying CXX, SNO, OK
Today we purchase holdings in two companies on which we enjoyed sizeable gains in the past, in the hopes of now catching a new move upward in their share prices.
On Crosshair Exploration & Mining, CXX we enjoyed 66% and 100% gains in 1 month and 6 months respectively. We now re-enter at $2.66 as we feel the stock, its sector, and its prospects are better and safer holdings presently after 6 months of consolidation to a lower share price.
On Snowfield Development Corp, SNO we realized an 81% gain in just over 4 months and when we sold on May 1 of this year we wrote "We're eager to see the results of the company's program, however the up-trend appears breached and we do not wish to risk losing this quick large gain." Since then there has been consolidation in the price and volume and now the trend appears to have resumed which again makes this prospect compelling to us, so we buy back in at $0.30 in hopes of a break above that level in a renewed up-trend.
A fresh entry is found in Orko Silver Corp., OK which we buy at $0.86 and wish to limit losses if it closes below $0.75 as per our interpretation of its technical support. We like the trading pattern and we remain especially bullish on silver.
Crosshair Exploration & Mining
Snowfield Development Corp.
Orko Silver Corp.
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