great news and disaster charts
On March 23rd we wrote "Uranium is at $90, poised to rocket even higher and soon over $100 we believe."
This week that's exactly what happened, per TradeTech's Uranium Information web site.
Be sure to read the details at TradeTech's Uranium Information web site.
We went on to say that "gold, silver, and platinum will break above their ranges to approach new highs this Summer in our estimation, unless US markets attain and move beyond February highs."
The markets are close to those highs, as can be seen plainly in these charts. Click them for further info.
With the current outlook for the US economy growing darker, the housing bubble popping, and the coming credit crunch coupled with soon-to-be-higher interest rates along with many expecting the "summer doldrums" in the markets, it will be very interesting and educational to witness what transpires next.
Essential reading on these topics can be found daily at the Prudent Bear site.
Here is a random sample that is a frightening read - Many have less than $25K saved - CNN/Money (04/11/2007)
As for gold, we track it at Gold Price. Have we seen a "double top" the past two days at $680 for gold? If not, the gold price will likely rocket through that level shortly which would auger well for many of our holdings and the Canadian markets in general.
In the meantime, enjoy this thought-provoking article posted today on the Gold Price site and be sure to view the Classic Disaster Charts.
For more disaster charts, Prudent Bear's Chart Library is the place to go. We read the site daily and recommend it very highly.
In-depth precious metals tracking and news can be found at Kitco
Lastly, another fantastic economics blog Global Economic Analysis.
Think ahead, and adhere to your stops.
We remain precious metals and uranium bulls, and housing market bears.
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