Riding The Gravy Train: US-listed features

Riding The Gravy Train

Beating the market is fun and profitable. This is how we do it.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

US-listed features

In fielding requests to feature more companies listed on US markets, it has become apparent that readers aren't aware that some of our Canadian-listed calls are also cross-listed in the US.

Energy Metals Corp. - EMC in Canada / EMU in the US.
+81% since our August call.

Minera Andes Inc. - MAI in Canada / MNEAF in the US.
+8% since our August call.

Adriana Resources Inc. - ADI in Canada / ANARF in the US.
+6% since our November call.

And US calls we favor.

PTCH +15% since our August call.

INFY +35% since our August call.

DCS +11% plus dividends since our August call.

WNR +22% since our August call.

We've had others too. AMD currently +10%, and FILE which was bought by IBM for a 12.5% gain for us, along with big board shorts CFC and MCK.

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